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Courtyard Editions


Lost in Transition

By Jake Warner

After a surpassingly happy year in each other's arms, Tamiko Gashkin and Alec Burns are now separated-she at college in Massachusetts, and he in Tokyo. So begins Lost in Transition a compelling tale of the disorientation, temptation and loss that almost inevitably shadows young lovers separated by half the globe. Entranced by exciting new opportunities, while still held emotionally hostage by their remembrance of past joys, will our duo find positive ways forward, get back to each other, or become unhappily stuck somewhere in between?

Lost in Transition

Coming of Age in Berkeley

By Jake Warner

Romance is the furthest thing from Tamiko Gashkin's mind when she drops her copy of the Brothers' Karamazov on the path through Faculty Glade on the Cal Berkeley campus. Imagine, then, how stunned this almost 16-year-old brainiac athlete is when she's instantly beguilded by Alec Burns, the shaggy-haired college senior who not only retrieves her book, but pledges his affection. But how is a high school girl who has never been kissed to cope with a far more sophisticated older guy given that almost everyone in their world disapproves, especially Tamiko's protective single mom, Amy Indeed this modern fairy tale might have been squelched right there were it not for the appearance of Max, a demonic psychopath from Amy's past ready to destroy everyone in his way. But with survival now the overwhelming priority, can there suddenly be room for Alec and Tamiko to be together